About Me

I started this site to share my journey, to keep me accountable, to inspire myself to create delicious ketogenic food and in the hopes of inspiring others along the way. I was 345 LBS at the beginning of my keto story. I did not get this heavy overnight and this weight wasn’t going to go away overnight. My struggle began with the death of my husband George, who passed away unexpectedly in 2012 after 30 years of marriage. He was the love of my life, and we shared a love like no other. His death was  monumentally life-altering, and I coped with his loss in in part through emotional eating.

Over the course of the next five years, my life spiraled out of control in a tsunami of depression, and I didn’t really care about much. I went to work. I cared for my parents. I went to church where I sang in the choir about Jesus and his love. I woke up one morning and realized that my weight was so high that I might as well have consumed my husband! I told myself, “He is not coming back. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! You need to a get grip.”

I began to actively try to find something sustainable enough to lose the weight of an entire person. I have worked as a registered nurse in medical research for the last 20 years, and one day a doctor came to me for assistance with a research study. In order to assist with this project, I began intensive research to gather information on the study which involved the ketogenic diet. What is a ketogenic diet? Could this be something for me? Is this be dangerous? After all, I was an overweight 56-year-old woman with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, elevated estrogen levels, hypothyroidism, IBS, and was recovering from surgery.

I spoke to this doctor and several other physicians around the United States about the ketogenic diet and did more research, finding answers with doctors like Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Ken Berry, and Dr. Eric Berg. I spoke to my primary care physician to make sure I could pursue the ketogenic diet.

Starting slowly, I gave up sugar, limited carbohydrates, and added heavy whipping cream to my coffee. Eventually I dove all in and have not looked back! My colleagues at work began to follow my example, further strengthening my resolve to stick to my guns. I have not cheated on keto. Bacon, cheese, and coffee—what more can a woman ask for? I am living a ketofied life and loving it!

To date, I have lost 85 pounds, I rarely have IBS symptoms, my estrogen level has normalized, my fibromyalgia symptoms have disappeared, and I am working with my doctor to try to wean off the medicines I take for fibromyalgia.

Please join me as I share my recipes and journey through this ketolicious life!

My Latest Recipes